Adult Children, All Poems, Emotions, Family, Grandchildren, Growth, Holidays, Jewish Holidays, People Traits, Wisdom, Worry

Worries Can Be Traps


Worries can be traps.

Keeping us captive.

But, they can also transform.

Becoming wings to set us free.

Like happened to my daughter.

Ensnared by doubts.

Misgivings she couldn’t do a task.

Learn prayers for services she would lead.

While her mentor vacationed.

But, come the Sabbath, she soared.

Reaching notes higher than the ark.

Like a butterfly released from a chrysalis.

Heralding the Day of Rest.

The new Hebrew month, Adar.

Even bidding her son join her to conclude.

Duetting Ein Keloheinu.

From restraints to liberty.

Decision made in the mind.

Escaping unfair fetters.

Choosing not to be confined.


Lynn Benjamin

February 14, 2024