All Poems, Hawaii, Big Island, 2022, Humor, Stories, Trips and Places

The Guy in a Park Ranger’s Uniform


There we were at the Volcano Inn.
Sipping hot chocolate out back.
Looking at the crater below.
Relaxing before the next trek.
To our left, was the guy in a park ranger’s uniform.
Willing to answer questions.
Perky, upbeat.
Excited in an optimistic way.
Eager to chat.
To ask where we were from.
But, as soon as he spoke, he betrayed his own hometown.
Youse haf ta drive ta the ocean, he said.
As if he were on Broad Street in Philadelphia.
What were the odds of intersecting with a Philadelphian?
A retired school district administrator?
On a volcano in Hawaii?
He was eager to tell his story.
Summed up his career as considering requests for more teachers.
From supervisors lower in the hierarchy.
And just saying no.
He laughed.
He retired twelve years ago.
For six, in Hawaii.
Guiding tourists on hikes through the volcano.
Enjoying life.
In a good place.
Where he can finally say yes.
To any and all requests for information.

Lynn Benjamin
April 8, 2022