All Poems, Family, Grandchildren, Love, Puerto Rico 2023, Trips and Places



I am not a person who enjoys water sports.


Scuba diving.


Though I do own a bathing suit.

Which I brought to Puerto Rico.

In case the exceptional moment arose.

That I might don it.

The weather has been glorious.

So, I put the swim skirt on to walk the beach.

Let the waves spray my legs.

Wet the hem of the outfit.


Each day in the sun.

Readying for the finale.

On the day before our flight home.

To jump into the pool.

With Elias.

A veritable fish in water.

Who enticed me to join him.

As he splashed.

Swam every stroke imaginable.

Finally offered me a floating chair.

Which I accepted.

After inching into the water.

A rare event.

On a rare occasion.

Carrying on a private conversation.

In a private pool.

I hope Elias understands

I bathed for love of him.

It was not a random act.

Not done on simple whim.


Lynn Benjamin

February 26, 2023