All Poems, Career, Natural Beauty, People Traits, Worry

Strange Day


The day, strange.

Not calm.

Watching a never-ending seminar on Zoom.

Though retired.

To maintain a license.

Head swelling with already learned information.

Child abuse, suicide, ethics.

Required topics.

As people texted.



All urgent, needing replies.

As gardeners banged outside.

Bob piled groceries into a refrigerator.

Horrific Middle-East headlines flashed by.

Republicans failed to elect a speaker.

Wasting weeks.

A favorite gym trainer quit his post.

Not even a goodbye.

Dinner guests tomorrow.

Lists hijacking my mind.

Prepare sofrito.

Sauté fish.

Pick out pan, plates, table ware.

Thoughts coming, going.

Like trains rumbling in a station.

Loud, almost deafening.

Body vibrating.

Till nearly five.

Running out the door.

To catch setting sun, breath.

Leaves, gold, orange, red.

Mums taking charge of gardens.

A deer, plaintive.

Starlings, chattering in an oak.

Sky darkening.

Exhausting days are fewer now.

Most serene, tranquil.

Why then when things, routine,

do I life overfill?


Lynn Benjamin

October 23, 2023