All Poems, For Children, Natural Beauty, Pleasure, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Trips and Places



Have you ever stopped to read all the signs around us?

Do Not Feed the Birds or Squirrels

No Smoking

Beach Path

They clutter our streets, highways, parks, schoolyards.

Even our houses are full of signs.

Instructions to change filters, turn on appliances, set alarms.

We could fill our days with mandates and how-to’s.

Most, pragmatic or cautionary.

But, one that grabbed my eye was on a sidewalk in front of Reed Park.

In Santa Monica.

Advising: Wander Often, Wonder Always.

Two of my favorite things to do.

Doing them right now in Santa Barbara!

Wandering the harbor piers.

Wondering about silk floss trees.

How can I preserve the splendor

of lofty mountains meeting seas?


Lynn Benjamin

November 19, 2023