All Poems, Beaches, Change, For Children, Natural Beauty, Sleep, St. Croix, 2022, Trips and Places

Rain in St. Croix


I opened my eyes.
To the hubbub of roosters, owls.
Screeching cats.
Horses on the lawn.
Full bellied gray clouds, drizzling rain.
Till the water really broke.
Then everything round burst to life.
Salt popped from the sea.
Palms furiously fanned.
Jazmin blossoms inundated air with aromas.
Reddish crabs slid on rocks.
Plovers looked for drinks.
Coconuts fell from trees.
Lizards traded winks.
Rain gushed down on sea, on shore
to cleanse, to bless, to shower.
But once the cloudy fonts emptied,
drips dried within an hour.

Lynn Benjamin
January 25, 2022