Aging, All Poems, Electronics, Humor



I’m so excited, I said to two friends.

Pulling out a pad of paper.

Which I used to call a tablet.

This just arrived an hour ago.

What is it? one asked.

Paper, I said as we walked.

In response, I love paper. Journaling books with graph paper, designs.

Three of us from an older generation.

Growing up with composition books.

Loose leaf paper.


Newspapers delivered to the door.

Though some of it exists today, less prevalent.

Instead, laptops, desktops, touchscreen tablets.

Assignments sent electronically to teachers.

Minimizing the use of paper.

Surely better for the environment.

But, I grew up with paper in my hand.

I use it now to jot down thoughts, pictures, sounds.

Mourning doves cooing in a parking lot.

Burbling fountains in the neighborhood.

A pink dahlia facing away from the garden.

Just recently, I found the perfect size to write on.

At an office in Damariscotta, Maine.

A give-away post-it note, 3.5 by 5.5 inches.

But, on Amazon, I could only find 4 by 6 inch notepads.

Which would also fit into a pocket or water carrier.

As I walked and scribbled.

Impossible to find a pad of paper by typing tablet into Amazon.

For then electronics pop right up!

It’s either memo pad or scratch.

One or the other boasts paper tablets.

All shapes, sizes to mix, to match!


Lynn Benjamin

August 19, 2023