All Poems, Birth, Politics, Seasons, Time

Off Her Rocker


Mother Nature is off her rocker, pronounced the trainer.

As I entered the gym this morning.

Shivering, pulling my jacket closer.

Yesterday was rainy, warm.

Today, windy, cold enough to freeze the bones.

I listened to his lamentation in silence.

Though the weather variable, I don’t think Mother Nature looney.

Not even fickle.

After all, it is still February.

A leap year’s twenty-ninth.

She’s entitled to summon frost.

She never promised early spring.

Besides, global warming gets in her way.

Pushes her around.

Does what it pleases.

I’m certain she’s steady on her rocker.

As she shakes her head.

Observing a world in disarray.

Disorder and despair.

Greedy people initiating wars.

Not caring for innocents in need.

Violating natural resources.

Trashing ethics, decency.

Perhaps, she the stable heartbeat,

not off her rocker at all.

The world around, berserk.

She lucid, rational.

Mother Nature rocks in rhythm

to cycles of the earth.

Waiting like the rest of us

for quickening, rebirth.


Lynn Benjamin

February 29, 2024