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Nothing and Everything

To Bob

People ask me: How is your trip?
When I think trip, images of tours, museums, eateries
pop up.
This stay in St. Croix, nothing like that.
More a respite, sojourn.
Time to hide from a pandemic.
Move our home like conches, turtles.
Slowly, deliberately.
Not to race, run, mingle with crowds.
Do nothing but connect.
Listen to your musings.
Tell you mine.
Conversations used to be rich.
Talk of child rearing, work, finances.
No more.
Those things,  now in order.
We’re free to focus on everything else.
Things outside those boxes.
The arc of a wave.
Song of a gray kingbird.
Flap of a monarch’s wing.
March of an iguana.
Your desires, hopes, needs, dreams.
Still learning.
To do nothing and everything at once.
Nothing we don’t want to do.
Everything we do.

Lynn Benjamin
January 24, 2022