All Poems, Career, Change, Farewell, Memories, Retirement

My Career in a Suitcase


It’s must weigh fifty pounds, said Bob.

Dragging the suitcase out the door.

After stuffing it with certificates.

Pulled out of three drawers.

Earned during my career.

Never stopping at the minimum number of workshops.

Always more.

More learning.

More skills.

More knowledge.

Family therapy.





That suitcase was, indeed, heavy.

A career’s worth of study.

How to work with clients.

Teach supervisees.

Effect change.

It was heavy with memories.

Did you know memories weigh a lot?

Take up volume in the brain?

Haunt us in dreams, day and night?

Pop up at unexpected times?

Now the papers, gone.

Evidence tossed out.

Time to reacquaint with an earlier self.

Before credentials, titles, roles.

I am uncluttered, unadorned.

Simply me.

Though I hope within my essence,

I remain caring, kind, and wise.

Open to possibilities

Parading before my eyes.

Offering authentic self

without excuse, disguise.

Seeking truth and beauty

in glow of fireflies.

Finding humility and peace

in hundreds of goodbyes.

Accepting now whatever comes.

Surrendering to whys.


Lynn Benjamin

October 31, 2023