Aging, All Poems, Gym/exercise, Health/Illness

Mobilizing Mitochondria

Each day I run to the gym.

Sometimes for a class.

Sometimes to walk the track.

Do solitary stretching.

Or lift weights on machines.

Thinking about balance, strength, endurance.

But, lately, paying attention to mitochondria.

What are they? you ask.

Those thousands of power batteries inside cells.

Residing in heart, liver, muscles, brain.

And every other organ.

Breaking down nutrition into energy for the body.

Making  super fuel known as ATP.

Exercise stimulating their number, density, turnover.

Producing more ATP.

Science suggesting their health may increase mine.

Delay aging.

Keep it at bay.

Who knew I could nurture them?

Just by moving?

Mobilizing mitochondria

stimulates growth and change.

Exercise to keep our youth.

Not a bad exchange.


Lynn Benjamin

May 19, 2024