All Poems, Animals/Insects, For Children, Natural Beauty, Pleasure, Seasons, Stories

May is Full of Stories

May is full of stories.

Unfolding faster than you can keep up.

Just when one ends, another reveals itself.

Grabbing your attention.

Goslings getting plump, growing gray feathers.

Soon to fly away.

Frogs, silent only days ago, now bellowing for mates.

Cardinals, robins, sparrows cavorting among trees.

Singing to the wind and each other.

A red fox darting about.

Crisscrossing driveways, hiding behind houses.

Chipmunks, squirrels, bunnies playing tag.

Underneath bushes, in gardens.

Breezes swirling with perfumes.

Mixing, mingling.

Magnolias and roses, lavender and rosemary.

Clumps of yellow daylilies.

Hydrangeas carrying bouquets.

Peonies, wisteria, wild roses, comfrey.

The earth sings and dances just for us.

Bursts out in hues and smells.

Enchants, enthralls, no need for words.

Absorbs us in its spells.


Lynn Benjamin

May 29, 2024