All Poems, Gardens, O'ahu/Honolulu, Trips and Places

Manoa Falls Trail


The Manoa Falls Trail rises upward.

Into a dense rainforest.

Along the Waihī Stream.

That burbles as you climb.

Bob and I dressed for the occasion.

Hiking shoes, pants, long sleeved shirts.

To protect from mosquitos.

At the entrance, they sold repellent.

In sprays, bottles, towelettes.

So we added two packets to the armamentarium.

Though our fellow hikers surprised us.

Some in bathing suits.



Many carrying babies on their backs.

Leading dogs on leashes.

Just stand near the most unclothed, I advised Bob.

Mosquitos will surely flock to them!

We started the ascent.

First easily.

Then with more rigor.

As the trail turned to steps and stones.

Occasionally mud.

Fortunately, there was no rain.

Only a sun that peeked in and out.

We took our time.

Listened to the water.

The birdsong.

Leaves in the wind.

Everything was huge.


Peace lilies.

Sea Hibiscus forest.

Banyan arch.


One foot after the other.

Only we were small.

We made it to the top.

Viewed the waterfall!


Lynn Benjamin

March 14, 2023