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Lessons from My Cousin (To Aaron on your 80th)


Aaron, do you know how much you’ve taught me?

Giving me lessons for many of your eighty years?

Twenty-nine thousand, two hundred twenty days?

My cousin from the country.

Only son of Cel and Lee.

Brother to three sisters.

Husband, father.

Only five years older than I.

Though, when small, age gap, enormous.

You, a strapping teen.

While I, a child.

Through the years, you instructed me.

First, at camp, to float.

A feat failed by others.

Only accomplished by you.

Because I trusted you.

Then continuing to educate me from a distance.

Mentoring from afar.

Transmitting lessons.

How a gentle man acts.

Relates to family, wife, girls.

Values engagement.

With relatives, friends, colleagues.

Stays in touch.

Purveys news.

Displays curiosity about roots.

Takes time to make a genealogy.

Invites others to contribute.

Updating, sharing it.

Writes a memoir.

So others can understand.

Your background, context.

Offering a peek into you early life on the farm, at camp.

Honors the nation.

Making it a goal to visit each state in the union.

While your children, young.

Admires other cultures, customs, mores.

Seeking adventures in many countries.

Makes friends everywhere.

Recognizes limitations.

Still travels, though alternating two destinations.

Keeps physically fit.

Participating in, organizing golf tournaments.

Aaron, teacher, historian, athlete, family man.

Kind, honorable, thoughtful.

Our age gap has diminished,

though I’m still five years behind.

Your many worthy lessons

enlighten, guide my mind.


With lots of love,

Your cousin, Lynn

May 5, 2024