Adult Children, All Poems, Cousins, Family, Grandchildren, Grandparents, Siblings, Sleep

How to Make Room


At the table, my son and his wife ponder.

How can we make room for additional guests?

Two siblings and a few more children?

So they can see each other?

So the cousins can recognize kin?

So they can frolic?

For my son and his family had traveled far.

From Los Angeles to Montreal.

Then by car to Vermont.

Finally, Burlington to Philadelphia.

To our three-bedroom condo.

With an extra room in the basement.

All spaces already filled.

Grandchildren on all levels.

Including on the floor of the master bedroom.

How to fit yet more?

Put another mattress on the basement floor?

Consolidate the infant with his parents?

Thus, freeing a bed?

Who was willing to sacrifice comfort?

For connection?

Though the outcome isn’t clear,

siblings work on what to do.

Calculate possibilities.

Beds and mattresses review.

As they think on it and brainstorm,

my mind somersaults in play.

Remembering George Herbert:

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!


Lynn Benjamin

April 19, 2023