All Poems, Animals/Insects, For Children, Parent Love, Stories

Honking and Hollering

Listen to that honking and hollering, said a neighbor.

Walking by the pond with his dog.

Yes, I looked up. Father Goose protecting his young.

The hatchlings born only a few weeks ago.

Now turning from yellow to grayish.

Experts at diving into water.

Paddling like pedal boats.

Poking grass for snacks.

Once the neighbor left, I went to inspect.

Satisfying my own curiosity.

Two strange geese played under a fountain.

Like children at a water park.

When Father Goose began to hiss and honk.

Bellow and squawk.

He had already claimed that pond.

For his mate and six chicks.

One frolicking goose flew off.

The other stayed, watching the close-knit family.

Father gathered his brood together.

Likely still vigilant, of course.

On the ready to intervene.

Patrol like security force.


Lynn Benjamin

May 1,  2024