All Poems, Environment/Mother Earth, Seasons, Stories, Worry

Heat Rolled In

Heat rolled in like a blast of steam.

From a boiling pot on the stove.

Around the summer solstice.

Refusing retreat for days.

Sending sparrows, robins to hide.

Up in shady branches.

Pushing ducks, geese into tepid ponds.

Wilting flower petals, leaves.

Forcing dog walkers, strollers indoors.

To air conditioned rooms.

So when, unpredicted, the sky showered,

a thunderous shout of thanks was heard.

All around the neighborhood.

No need to lug out hoses to water.

Finally, relief.

Even I wanted to dance under the drops.

But, to my shock, the downpour wasn’t cool.

The rain like a hot cup of tea.

Instead of refreshing, it warmed the bones.

Some eco catastrophe?



Lynn Benjamin

June 22, 2024