All Poems, Emotions, Food, Health/Illness, Sister Love

Have You Ever Been Distracted?


Have you ever been distracted while baking?

Maybe by the newest political outrage?

A ring at the door?

Children fighting?

Your own unsolved problem?

Causing you to forget an ingredient?

The leavening?



Or, like I did, vanilla.

In almond biscotti.

When my sister phoned to report good results.

Her test, negative.

I stopped mixing.

Listened intently.

Rejoiced with her.

Sliding my cookies into the oven without extract.

But, after double baking, they emerged toasted, crisp.

Loaded with cranberries, chocolate, slivered nuts.

Suffusing the kitchen with almond aroma.

Instead of vanilla flavor,

they carried hints of latest news.

Biscotti with good tidings,

whispers of joyfulness infused.


Lynn Benjamin

December 24, 2023