All Poems, Animals/Insects, Holidays, Jewish Holidays, People Traits, Pets

Gray Day


The day was gray.

Punctuated with images.

Rain starting at ten.

Exactly as predicted.

An old woman in the gym.

Pedaling as though she were a cycling marathoner.

I, talking by phone to each of four children.

Unusual same day event.

Whipping up a dozen latkes, lickety-split.

Homage to the persisting oil at the Temple.

But, most impressive, the great horned owl.

Captured by my brother-in-law.

Licensed falconer.

Trainer of native birds.

Now tutoring a yellow-eyed owl.

How do you befriend a wild predator?

Engender faith and trust?

Greg must have uncommon knack.

Feeding well, treating just.


Lynn Benjamin

December 16, 2023