All Poems, Family, Love, Málaga, Spain, Spouses, Trips and Places

Gratitude to Málaga and to You (To Bob)


It’s the second to last day.

Of a month’s stay in Málaga.

Where, with gratitude, we walked streets.

Where Picasso, as a child, played.

Artists before him ambled along.

Shaped Málaga’s Fine Arts Academy.

Bernardo Ferrándiz y Badenes.

Antonio Muñoz Degrain, José Nogales Sevilla.

Where Flamenco artists like Juan Breva strummed guitars.

And the Marqués De Lario donated funds for parks.

Where Phoenicians and Carthaginians settled.

Where Romans built a theater and garum pools.

Where Moors built defenses.

Symbols and landmarks of the city today,

Monuments along with the Cathedral.

Helping me find my way.

As I passed by each day.

I’m grateful my feet could tread Málaga’s paths.

Its gardens, port, and beaches.

For a full month, living at 67 Carreterría.

In a city where the past is honored.

The present valued.

But, mostly, I am grateful

I could spend the time with you.

Exploring and reminiscing,

examining old and new.

The Mediterranean sun warmed us

in its curative light.

Nourished limbs, hearts, minds

to bind us yet more tight.


Lynn Benjamin

January 31, 2023