All Poems, Museums, Philadelphia, Thank-You, Trips and Places

Franklin Institute


I have visited the Franklin Institute since childhood.

Though I can’t say for sure the first time I went.

School trip?

Family jaunt?

I don’t remember.

What I do know is that it’s always been there for me.

For my parents, as well.

Since it was founded in 1824.

Situated at Independence Hall.

Moved in 1954 to its present site.

At 20th and the Parkway.

Expanding ever since.

A place to take my children.

Theirs, on trips to Philadelphia.

Iconic science museum.

Named after Benjamin Franklin.

Experimenter, inventor, printer, statesman.

Born in Boston, claimed by Philadelphia.

Known far and wide, his likeness on a one-hundred-dollar bill.

Lover of experimentation and innovation.

Example for the museum named for him.

I’ve roamed exhibition halls countless times.

Yesterday, the first, with three grandchildren from LA.

One from Manhattan.

Watched them scamper through the heart.

Climb neural networks.

Turn gear boxes.

Bound onto a locomotive.

Fly on a plane.

Manipulate electricity.

I think my thanks to Franklin

and the founders of this place

are overdue, inadequate

for such a knowledge space.

Please accept my gratitude

for scientific inspiration.

Almost two centuries leading

generation after generation.


Lynn Benjamin

April 23, 2023