All Poems, Gym/exercise, Politics

Enough News


I’ve had enough news, said Bob.

Who normally would flick on MSNBC or CNN at 8 or 9.

I cannot listen to another story.

And then a rant.

Asking how a person charged with crimes can run for president?

In what world we live today?

He could not listen to another story.

Not about Trump.

Not about polling.

Not about the Supreme Court.

Not one more interview.

Opinion, perspective.

Enough is enough.

Turning on news is like jumping into the undertow.

Letting it suck you away.

Drown you.

Instead, Bob looks at newspapers.

Chooses articles he wants to read.

Listens to respected podcasters.

Now, mostly keeps himself fit.

Going to the gym, taking a class or two.

Making the rounds of machines.

Noticing contours of his body change

Something he never dreamed possible.

Life can be upbeat

when goals are small, defined.

Instead of getting whipped about,

harness body, mind.


Lynn Benjamin

March 11, 2024