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Electric Garage Door

Let’s open the garage and sneak out, whispered Bob.

Adding, forefinger to lips, and not tell Bob.

He looked at me with a glint in his eye.

Joining me in conspiracy against that grumpy Bob.

The one who, only days ago, chided me.

For opening and closing the electric garage door too many times.

Using too much electricity.

Raising our electric bill.

Which, by the way, he never sees.

Because I pay it!

The accusation startled me.

Shocked me into silence.

For, in my mind, it was he.

Opening and closing the door with abandon.

Opening it to exit with his leki stick, stored there.

Or his electric vehicle.

Driving it to the store, park, train station.

Then parking it again inside.

Protecting it from rain and snow.

So when I took umbrage, he reconsidered.

Apologized for the tongue lashing.

Saying he didn’t know what part of him spewed those words.

But, my displeasure persisted.

Each time I went to open the garage door, I asked permission.

Wearying him enough to become my partner in conspiracy.

Against the Bob from whom

even he now felt offended.

Both laughing pressing buttons.

Hurt evaporating, mended!

Lynn Benjamin

June 26, 2024