All Poems, For Children, Humor, National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands, Puerto Rico 2023, Trips and Places

El Morro


At the end of the day, we sounded like coquís.

Elias chirping, my foot!

Bob, my hip!

I, my back.

Each had earned the ache after a day of roaming.


From early morning.

Till after dark.

First at el Morro.

Original defense fortress for the island.

Climbing every level.

Wandering the dry moat.

To trails.

Down to the cemetery.

Then back again.

Eyeing iguanas on rocks, grasses.

Taking the sea walk.

Through the red gate to the old city.

Back to el Morro.

To put a kite aloft.

Along with dozens of other Sunday fliers.

On the wide lawn in front of the castle.

Till the sun set.

And we headed back to the port.

To find a taxi home.

Though we had a glorious day.

Each one let out a moan.


Lynn Benjamin

February 21, 2023

Coquís are the small frogs in Puerto Rico.