All Poems, Disappointment, Emotions, Hope, Loss


Disappointments are ubiquitous.

Popping up all around us like toadstools.

Some large and intrusive.

Others, small, almost unseen.

But, everyone encounters them.

At one time or another.

Remember when a friend didn’t return a call?

A dinner date, called off?

A flight, cancelled?

A movie you wanted to see, uninspiring?

Having to choose between two important events on the same date?

Can you recall the feelings set off?

Disruption of joy?

Loss, sadness?

Anger, hurt?

What do you do?

When things just don’t work out the way you wished?

It helps me to contemplate nature.

At all the seeds dropping from trees.

Never germinating.

At birds’ nests poached.

By foxes or raccoons.

At cicadas drumming.

Not finding a mate.

All creatures, human and not, suffer disappointments.

I am not the only one.

I know I’d offer compassion to another.

So, I give it to my unsettled self.

Honor the feelings.

Scattered thoughts.

Till ready to move on.

Turning them into something worthwhile.

Some action.

Maybe writing, sharing, forgiving.

Perhaps disappointment, a toll for living.

Helping us grow strong and learn.

We’ll never want for practice.

It’s everywhere we turn!

Lynn Benjamin

June 24, 2024