Aging, All Poems, Career, Retirement, Stories

Cusp of the New Year


It was the cusp of the New Year.

Bob ran to the market for flowers.

As the ones in the vase drooped, exhausted.

At the store, he bumped into a former colleague.

A child analyst, older than he.

Called out his name.

The man turned.

I didn’t recognize you. Your hair is longer.

Which tickled Bob.

Though his hair is longer, it’s also snow white.

Not the chestnut of bygone years.

Are you still working? Bob asked.

Of course. What else would I do? Aren’t you?

No, Bob answered.

Then, what do you do with yourself all day?

Bob went on to tell him about travels.

The upcoming trip to Málaga.

Visits to see kids, grandchildren.

The psychiatrist was disbelieving.

Who could function without frame?

What would a person do all day?

Without clinical goals, aim?

Bob nodded, respected his choice.

Each had made up his  mind.

For Bob, retirement’s an adventure.

Way of life redesigned.


Lynn Benjamin

January 2, 2023