Aging, All Poems, Electronics, Humor, Loss, Time

Certain I’d Hear Back

I waited, certain I’d hear back from the Apple Store.

That my new Mac Air was ready for pick-up.

That the data migration was complete.

From the Mac Pro to the Air.

Transfer decided upon to prevent problems.

Before the old laptop failed.

For it was from 2016.

Computer years are like dog years, Bob explained.

If each one is about seven, your laptop is aging fast.

Chips have changed.

Models have moved on.

It’s harder to update apps.

Nevermind I was attached to my machine.

Originally using it for work.

Taking it with me on trips.

Giving it an honored place on my desk.

It was easy to instruct.

Swift, reliable.

But, those warnings about future health, dire.

So, I waited, but no call came.

Which meant another morning.

Spent in the Apple Store.

Where I’m sure I’ll wander

among shiny new machines,

calculate my own old age,

and consider what that means.


Lynn Benjamin

April 4, 2024