All Poems, Politics, Stories, Wellfleet

Following Politics

Following politics drains me.

Maybe more in an election year.

When one candidate spends weeks in court.

Insisting he didn’t interfere with an election.

Taking credit for the overthrow of Dobbs.

Robbing women of fifty years of rights.

I just want to unplug.

Take a break.

But today, not possible.

Politics unbidden comes to me.

To my neighborhood.

After a week of logistic preparation.

Secret service scoping out the venue.

Cordoning off the area.

Closing the gymnasium at Salus.

Where I take classes.

Building tents, a stage.

Providing an enormous police presence.

Armored car, sharp shooter on a roof.

To protect the Vice President, her entourage.

Excitement mounts, palpable.

Till Kamala Harris arrives.

To discuss healthcare for women.

Loss of reproductive rights.

To an audience of like-minded constituents.

I’m not invited to hear the speech.

But, it’s easy to locate on line.

Listening, I agree with her.

Wishing undecided voters would tune in, heed.

Though the message well-articulated,

beliefs against women die hard.

So I suppose a talk like this

keeps the faithful on gender guard.

Lynn Benjamin

May 10, 2024

All Poems, Animals/Insects, Beaches, Disappointment, Environment/Mother Earth, Loss, Memories, Natural Beauty, Pandemic, Pleasure, Sounds, Wellfleet



We missed Wellfleet last year for lockdown.
Now here, despite the threat of hurricane.
A miracle, it missed the Cape.
Save for winds, dusters cleaning air, beach.
Maybe even Covid germs, blown to sea.
A perfect time to listen.
Lapping buoys at the sides of docked boats.
Ringing as cables holding sils
clang against hollow masts.
Singing like Tibetan bowls that regulate, calm.
Buzzing, chirping cicadas, crickets in tall
grasses along dunes.
Tapping, drumming fiddler crabs.
Racing in, out of sandy holes.
Peck peck pecking pigeons.
Wha wha wha whaing crows.
Licking, tickling tiny waves against stones, shells.
On the bayside shore.
Crashing, thundering surf on the ocean coast.
Amid auditory splendor, mourning.
For Delta Covid, its victims, its imprint.
For erosion.
For climate unpredictability.
For misplaced trust in those claiming to govern.
For misty, magical memories.
Virus free.
Risk free.
Mask free.
Free. Free. Free. Free.
Wellfleet and the sea.
Shell fishery.
Tidal rhythmicity.
Profound felicity.

Lynn Benjamin
August 25, 2021