All Poems, Animals/Insects, Family, Grandchildren, Natural Beauty, Trips and Places, Water Mill

The World Roils

The world roils and boils.

War, unrest, protests.

Political hypocrisy.

While we find solace in Water Mill.

With four grandchildren.

Three sisters and a cousin.

Bouncing on mats.

Squatting, flipping.

Hiking trails to a beach, a pond.

Listening to sounds of bayside waves.

Rippling onto the shore.

Ducks paddling in water, flapping wings.

To their own voices, animated, spirited.

Inventing game after game.

In a house where screens, restricted.

Pushing them to play.

Like I did as a child.

To invent, create, hear each other speak.

Honor ideas, words.

Eagles, blackbirds, swans.

Dandelions, daisies.

Familial bonds.


Lynn Benjamin

April 30, 2024

All Poems, Animals/Insects, For Children, Natural Beauty, Trips and Places, Water Mill

Early April Morning in Water Mill

This early April morning in Water Mill, different.

From where I live.

A bit colder, nippier.

About a week behind.

Frost blanketing lawns.

Dandelions, daisies struggling to wake up.

Daffodils, grape hyacinths, shivering.

Purple dead nettles keeping warm in tight groups.

Garlic mustard blooms lightening hillsides.

Rye fields, pine nurseries stretching to the horizon.

While red tipped blackbirds, finches warble at dawn.

From tall silent trees.

Bare branches just beginning to bud.

Landscape green and still.

Song birds communicating.

No matter morning chill.

Peaceful contemplating.


Lynn Benjamin

April 30, 2024

All Poems, Family, Grandchildren, Holidays, Passover, Stories, Trips and Places, Water Mill

Epic Journey

It was an epic journey.

From Elkins Park to the Hamptons.

Bob, Elias and I.

Skirting around Manhattan.

From Staten Island across the Verrazano Bridge.

Through Brooklyn, Queens.

Finally, to Long Island.

Pronounced long by the youngest passenger.

Listening to Harry Potter.

Prisoner of Azkaban.

Stopping to refuel our EV.

Grab a salad for Elias.

No bread or pretzels.

For it was midway through Pesach.

But the reward great upon arrival.

Three girl princesses all in a row

waiting with sweet embrace.

Two ballerinas and a toddler,

lithe-bodied, full of grace.


Lynn Benjamin

April  30, 2024

All Poems, Water Mill

Sag Harbor


It’s easy to understand why summer draws crowds.

To Sag Harbor in the Hamptons.

Sea and sand.

Waterways for pleasure craft.

Ocean breezes.

Countryside and woods.

Morton National Wildlife Refuge.

Trails across lakes, streams.

Wild turkeys, ducks, geese.

Deer and squirrels.

Dragonflies, butterflies.

History and culture.

Nineteenth century port for whaling, shipping.

War memorials.


Food markets.


Breakfast cafes.

Marine and land, it has it all.

Wrapped around a town.

Eateries and high end shops.

A place of fame, renown.


Lynn Benjamin

July 27, 2023