All Poems, Animals/Insects, For Children, Stories, Stowe 2022, Trips and Places

My Umbrella


It poured all night.
Into the dawn.
So, I grabbed a raincoat.
A red umbrella.
To do my ramble on the path.
I passed eleven horses munching soggy hay.
Getting drenched.
While I stayed snug, dry.
Under my umbrella.
Each one locked eyes with me.
As I ambled by.
Even took a step or two backwards.
As if alarmed.
What did they see?
An unknown animal?
A walker with a red weapon?
A goddess come from afar?
The only thing for sure I know
is they moved back to watch me go.
Startled, doubtful, completely soaked.
While I, quite dry, completely cloaked.

Lynn Benjamin
August 20, 2022