All Poems, Birthdays, Family, Homages, In-laws, Natural Beauty, Patagonia

Homage to Hal and to Patagonia


Go with Hal to the sacred space at the end of the earth
where guanacos and maras romp in the brush;
where penguins feather nests under thorn bushes;
where sea lions duel to mark their primacy;
where imperial cormorants fish and court along the cliffs;
where water falls from the highest mountain tops.
where glaciers glisten, a mysterious blue hue.

Listen closely to the sounds of the birds, the insects, the trees.
And there, in that sacred space,
you will sense Hal with his beloved.
Curious and awestruck by the boundless beauty about him.

He is one with earth, sky, water:
pure and honest;
respectful and caring;
steward of the natural habitat
in its most pristine state.

Go with Hal to the sacred space at the end of the earth
where he hears his heart beat against the shore
like a drum in rhythm to the wind.

Go with Hal to the sacred space at the end of the earth
where pain and loss, joy and love,
youth and old age merge
in a never-ending cycle.

Go with him, go with him.
Celebrate today.
Before it slips into the yesterday of tomorrow.
Follow the timeless trail that every hiker scales
Seeking wisdom, truth spiritual awakening.
Go with Hal to the sacred space at the end of the earth.

Lots of love,

(March 8, 2020)

This is a 70th birthday homage to my brother-in-law, Hal, who went to Patagonia with my sister, Celia. It was our last birthday gathering before the pandemic.