All Poems, Family, Food, Grandchildren, National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands, Puerto Rico 2023, Trips and Places

Wow to a Hard Banana


I never thought I’d be saying “wow” to a hard banana, said Elias.

At El Punto, a restaurant in old San Juan.

With typical Puerto Rican food.

He couldn’t believe his luck.

A plateful of tostones, rice, beans, avocado.

And breaded fileted grouper.

Which he devoured.

After a morning darting in and out of tunnels.

At San Cristóbal.

Fortress built centuries ago to protect the land.

With levels to climb, explore.

Then a walk past La Perla neighborhood.

Back to el Morro.

To entice Grandpop onto a trail.

Behind the castle.

After a descent into a dry moat.

Elias earned his supper

after scooting around town.

In and out of citadels

on many a battleground.


Lynn Benjamin

February 23, 2023

All Poems, For Children, Humor, National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands, Puerto Rico 2023, Trips and Places

El Morro


At the end of the day, we sounded like coquís.

Elias chirping, my foot!

Bob, my hip!

I, my back.

Each had earned the ache after a day of roaming.


From early morning.

Till after dark.

First at el Morro.

Original defense fortress for the island.

Climbing every level.

Wandering the dry moat.

To trails.

Down to the cemetery.

Then back again.

Eyeing iguanas on rocks, grasses.

Taking the sea walk.

Through the red gate to the old city.

Back to el Morro.

To put a kite aloft.

Along with dozens of other Sunday fliers.

On the wide lawn in front of the castle.

Till the sun set.

And we headed back to the port.

To find a taxi home.

Though we had a glorious day.

Each one let out a moan.


Lynn Benjamin

February 21, 2023

Coquís are the small frogs in Puerto Rico.


All Poems, Humor, National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands, Stories, Trips and Places

America the Beautiful (National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass)


Good going! cheered Bob.

After he asked me to find my life time senior pass.

To the United States National Parks.

Since we would need our cards in Puerto Rico.

For entry into el Castillo San Felipe del Morro.

I never paid them much attention.

So, I searched among three rubber-banded piles.

Each in a compartment of a small fanny pack.

Here it is, I called out, triumphant.

He walked over to examine the card.

Which didn’t match the one he held.

His, with a picture of a bright pink flower.

With a lifetime membership.

Mine, showing a station wagon with a cargo carrier on top.

H’m, I considered the discrepancy.

Turned mine over.

To see an expiration date: March 2023.

The sleuth in me stepped forward.

Calculated we must have bought it in Hawaii.

Yes, agreed Bob, in Volcano National Park.

After we realized we didn’t bring our cards!

He started up his pursuit again.

Found two more pink flowered passes in a drawer.

Why three? Not just two?

It took two of us to solve the mystery.

Over a decade ago, we bought two in Puerto Rico.

Each one, ten dollars.

On a later trip to Cape Cod, we forgot them again!

So, purchased a third to cover access to a national beach.

Another ten dollars.

But since 2017, the price rose to eighty dollars each!

Ours were grandfathered.

Becoming three small prizes!

Now, in all, we have four cards.

One in March about to expire.

Plenty to use on our next two trips.

The annual just under the wire.

The three lifetimes will likely outlast us.

The ones with the pretty pink flowers.

Not possible to bequeath them to others.

Though we wish we could extend their powers!

For you have to sign them, show proof of ID.

Now pay eighty dollars a card.

So, we swear from now on to take them along.

To treasure them, hold them, safeguard!


Lynn Benjamin

February 19,2023