All Poems, Hawaii, Big Island, 2022, Humor, Stories, Trips and Places

The Guy in a Park Ranger’s Uniform


There we were at the Volcano Inn.
Sipping hot chocolate out back.
Looking at the crater below.
Relaxing before the next trek.
To our left, was the guy in a park ranger’s uniform.
Willing to answer questions.
Perky, upbeat.
Excited in an optimistic way.
Eager to chat.
To ask where we were from.
But, as soon as he spoke, he betrayed his own hometown.
Youse haf ta drive ta the ocean, he said.
As if he were on Broad Street in Philadelphia.
What were the odds of intersecting with a Philadelphian?
A retired school district administrator?
On a volcano in Hawaii?
He was eager to tell his story.
Summed up his career as considering requests for more teachers.
From supervisors lower in the hierarchy.
And just saying no.
He laughed.
He retired twelve years ago.
For six, in Hawaii.
Guiding tourists on hikes through the volcano.
Enjoying life.
In a good place.
Where he can finally say yes.
To any and all requests for information.

Lynn Benjamin
April 8, 2022

All Poems, For Children, Hawaii, Big Island, 2022, Humor, Trees, Trips and Places

Rain in Hilo


It rains in Hilo.
With unexpected regularity.
Hence, greenness, growth.
The magic of the place.
But, what I’ve learned is key.
Once the gray clouds open,
find the nearest banyan tree.
Ample girth, wide canopy.
To shield from drips and drops.
Shelter under epiphytes
till the pouring stops.
Once the sun beams down again,
air roots offer shade.
Safeguard skin, top of head
till the next cascade.

Lynn Benjamin
April 3, 2022


All Poems, For Children, Gardens, Hawaii, Big Island, 2022, Natural Beauty, Pleasure, Trips and Places



Have you ever been in a rainforest?
While it was raining?
Yesterday, we were.
On a trail.
In a valley garden on the sea.
In Papaikou.
Down a ramp of boards to a paved pathway.
On both sides, exotic flowers, wild orchids.
Leaves almost as tall as we.
Bromeliads, heliconias.
Anthuriums, bat plants, spider lilies.
Perfumes, dampness.
Rhythmic downpours.
Splendor beyond words.
Waterfalls overflowing cliffs.
Lily pads rocking to and fro in ponds.
Ferns bending under weight of droplets.
Forces defying death.
Sun, between showers, beaming energy, rainbows.
I didn’t want to exit.
But I’m sure I carry magic on my skin.
On the bottoms of my boots.
Maybe seeds of Ohia blooms,
or bits of breadfruit roots.

Lynn Benjamin
April 2, 2022