All Poems, Amsterdam, Trips and Places



Amsterdam, Gouda, Delft all have canals.

Originally for defense, transporting goods, irrigation.

At one time, open sewers.

Later, overhauled.

To promote recreation, tourism.

Many companies offer guided rides.

Which we took in Amsterdam and Delft.

Relaxing, pleasant, informative.

The one in Delft under rows of blooming Linden trees.

Along passages of emerald algae, emerging water lilies.

While white headed ducks frolicked and nested.

I wish I had paint brushes

to capture the scenes.

Alas, camera and pens

were my only means.


Lynn Benjamin

July 8, 2023



All Poems, Amsterdam, Museums, Trips and Places

Art Museums


Amsterdam teems with art, artists.

So, what to do when time is short?

Our choices, Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh.

The former for Rembrandt ‘s Nightwatch.

And a review of works seen fifty years ago.

Vermeer, Hals, Steen, Rutsch, van Ruisdael.

The second because we missed it by one year.

Our visit, 1972.

The museum open, 1973!

Thus, on a rainy Wednesday, we sashayed through both.

Shepherding Asher, who had seen neither.

Back through history.

To a much older Amsterdam at the Rijks.

Then forward again.

To follow the lifespan of Van Gogh.

Through portraits, landscapes, flowers.

Sad for Van Gogh

that he died in despair.

Unable in those days

to get better heath care.

He produced copious works

in the space of ten years.

Colorful, though haunting.

Enough to stir tears.


Lynn Benjamin

July 7, 2023



All Poems, Amsterdam, For Children, Humor, Trips and Places



The best way to zip around Amsterdam is by tram.

Blue and white trolleys.

Gliding along rails.

Taking visitors from Central Station.

To outlying areas.

Quick, efficient, easy to catch.

Dating from 1875!

Our plan to get to the Rijksmuseum.

Except a storm knocked down debris.

Whole trees crossed tracks.

Halting all tram lines.

Which, confined to their own tracks, can’t detour.

So when you can, take a tram.

The best ride you’ll know.

Except when you can’t.

Cause the trams just don’t go!


Lynn Benjamin

July 7, 2023




All Poems, Amsterdam, Food, Independence Day, Trips and Places

Independence Day


July 4th arrived.

Earlier than in the States.

Where my family still slept.

Likely had plans to mark the day.





While we three roamed Amsterdam.

Orienting ourselves.

Dam Plaza.

Small museums.


Finally, a rijsttafel.

That Indonesian feast.

So popular here.

So memorable.

That my mouth still tastes it.

After a visit in 1972.

When we first met Amsterdam.

Only a few years older than Asher.

Here we are now on July 4th.

Ladling sauces on our rice.

Peanuts, pickles, tofu, beans.

With every kind of spice.

Independence Day unusual.

Away from breaking news.

Distracted from US politics.

Upon an older culture muse.


Lynn Benjamin

July 4, 2023


All Poems, Amsterdam, Family, Grandchildren, Museums, Trips and Places

What Would You Do?


What would you do on your first full day in Amsterdam?

A city rich in museums, art?

For first days always present dilemmas.

How to maximize coverage?

Not overdo it?

See enough to whet your appetite?

Especially when traveling with a grandson.

Who has interests different than yours.

So, we didn’t start with great ambitions.

Instead, three small museums.

All part of Amsterdam’s character.




While along the way, munching, observing.

Taking in city vibes.

Gouda samples in every style.

Stroopwafles stuffed with caramel sweet.

Then a ride under seven bridges.

On a canal tour by Stromma fleet.


Lynn Benjamin

July 5, 2023

All Poems, Amsterdam, Animals/Insects, For Children, Trips and Places

Harbor Scene


The harbor fills up early.

Ferries, barges, pleasure boats.

Cars, trucks, bikes.

Trains, trams, buses.

A central mall.

Loaded with shops, eateries.

Pigeons, seagulls on the pier.

Waiting for passersby.

To sit and eat a meal.

Eyeing sandwiches, croissants.

Inching closer.

In anticipation.


A bag left behind.

Anything to stave off hunger.

Make survival easier.

So they hop about, loiter

for the next visitor with a bun.

Crowd around, look peckish.

Compete not to be outdone.


Lynn Benjamin

July 5, 2023

All Poems, Amsterdam, Food, Stories

Mojo Japanese Restaurant


First evening in Amsterdam.

Time for dinner along the harbor.

Just two of us.

Since Asher declined.

Preferring to catch up on lost sleep.

We spotted the Sea Palace.

A huge three story floating pagoda.

Alas, completely sold out!

So, we crossed the street.

Dodging bicycles, motorbikes.

To reach Mojo Japanese Restaurant.

Through glass doors.

Up a steep staircase.

Where robots carried gourmet dishes to waiters.

Who served them to patrons.

We asked if there was space.

Do you have reservations? questioned the hostess.

No, we lamented.

Then you must be out in one hour, she admonished.

Repeating the warning several times.

The waiter told us to scan the menu.

Order from our phone.

But, the process didn’t work.

So, he gave us an ipad.

With all selections in Dutch.

Then handed us a paper menu.

Printed without prices.

Telling us to match numbers on the printed menu to items on the ipad.

We looked.

Studied possibilities.



I hate to feel disempowered, said Bob.

Not mastering the technology.

So, we stood. We left.

Our mojo on the seat.

Down the stairs we ambled.

In digital defeat.


Lynn Benjamin

July 4, 2023


Adult Children, All Poems, Amsterdam, Beaches, Cape May, Family, Fear, Grandchildren, Pandemic, Seasons, Trips and Places, Worry

Cape May


Cape May, my beach of choice during childrearing.
Victorian mansions.
Abundant dunes.
Seductive walks on the promenade.
Lured here again this August by a siren.
Having missed the past summer due to lockdown.
Arriving with two grandkids and a daughter.
But, Delta variant also circulating in town.
Felling even dually vaccinated.
So, we treaded cautiously among the unmasked.
Help wanted signs everywhere.
Robotic checkers.
Motels withholding housekeeping.
Familiar shops shuttered, gone.
Some people oblivious to the danger.
Jogging, biking, sailing.
Sunbathing, minigolfing, barhopping.
Or maybe aware, but swatting worry away.
Like they would a pesky mosquito.
After all, this was vacation.
Seagulls, terns seemed unconcerned.
Sparrows, doves hopped about.
Dragonflies, not shy.
Even cicadas boasted mating conquests from the trees.
A golden sun squeezed out between ribbons of pink clouds.
A performance that turned everyone’s head.
At dusk, a nightlight moon swelled for scoff beds,
and those chasing ghost crabs.
Summer season brings a crush of visitors to Cape May.
Mostly lovers of sea, sand, salt.
Marsh plants, fowl, insects.
Nature preserves, fishing, swimming.
Joys of uninterrupted time with family, friends.
What could be better?
Normally nothing.
But in these days of anything but normal,
the wish to be home, isolated from humanity,
crosses my mind, multiplies, flies.
It’s an insistent akaakaakaaa, indistinguishable from
the wails of birds overhead.
The anchor that steadies me,
keeps me from rushing away,
are the giggles, hoots, hollers
of my grand boys at play.

Lynn Benjamin
August 11, 2021