All Poems, Animals/Insects, Farewell, Gardens, Loss, Seasons

Blue Mist Spirea Blooms

Tree leaves dry and fall.

Hydrangeas, zinnias, impaciens

brown around the edges.

While blue mist spirea blooms thrive.

Attracting bees, butterflies by dozens

to soft, fragrant blossoms.

Taking chilly air in stride.

Rejoicing the changing seasons.

An attitude I’d like to don,

along with jacket, scarf, gloves,

on crisp late September mornings.

So now, each day as I stroll by,

I pinch a bud, a leaf.

Sniff aromas heavenly

to postpone transition grief.

Though Winter hides, teases

behind perfect autumn days,

I refuse servile submission

to her dark and cold charades.

Instead, like hungry honey bees,

I’ll find my favorite flowers.

Frolic, play, and hover,

scatter pollinator powers.

Lynn Benjamin

September 29, 2021