All Poems, Health/Illness, Holidays, Humor, Valentine's Day

Cardiology Appointment


How did I manage to schedule a cardiology appointment for today?

Valentine’s Day?

Was it a Freudian slip?

Some unconscious maneuver?

An oversight?

It’s hard to know.

But, not one word uttered in the office about Valentine’s Day.

No greeting about Cupid’s holiday.

No cut-out hearts or flowers on the walls.

In a waiting room teeming with patients.

Rather, business as usual.

All about examination of the heart.

The muscle animating us.

Keeping us alive, breathing, moving.

For me, about results of lipid panels.

Medication changes.

Scheduling a CT scan to search for calcified plaque.

Determining risk of coronary artery disease.

A test, not possible to get till August!

Not a mention of exercise.

Or what I eat to keep arteries clean.

Just a perfect Western-style med management appointment.

How do you maintain romance?

When the clinical, so harsh?

So numerical, invasive?

Lucky, I like a bit of irony.

The unexpected inspires me.

Though not comforting entirely,

heart doctors extend my warranty.


Lynn Benjamin

February 18, 2024



All Poems, Emotions, Environment/Mother Earth, Holidays, Hope, Pleasure, Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is upon us.

That day when we express love.

With cards, chocolates, flowers.

Of course, with words.

The I love you’s not said.

Buried under mounds of work.

Resentments that forestall.

Stresses that burden.

Embarrassment, timidity.

But, the 14th frees us.

To tell our lovers.

Our children, grandchildren.

Even friends.

How much we appreciate them.

Something I’ve taken part in since childhood.

Exchanging cards at school.

Later, gifts with dear ones.

This year, Mother Nature regales me.

Snowbells in a dell.

Daffodils poking up.

Daylilies turning lettuce green.

White candy tufts in bloom.

All in mid-February.

In time for this day of affection.

Proof, though raw days still abound,

perhaps even snow and ice,

Spring pushes through the ground,

soon to offer paradise.


Lynn Benjamin

February 14, 2024


All Poems, For Children, Holidays, Valentine's Day



Hearts and flowers day is ’round again
to tempt and taunt and tease us;
Lacey frills and valentines,
a chocolate kiss to please us.

Every store is stocked galore
with cups, and plates and toys;
Cupid now is center stage,
the star of all Love’s joys.

The cards are stacked and neatly placed
in rows of white and red;
Each rhymed in time to all those dear,
kind words to all beloved.

The candy counters swell with pride
to boast confections rich:
Nougat, nuts, and caramel
and chocolates bewitch.

The bakeries, too, hang out their hearts
and lure with cakes and pies,
cookies, tarts and gooey fare
created to draw sighs.

The day of love is almost here
with fanfare from each side.
It’s enough, I think, I fear
to make poor Cupid hide.

Although it seems that Love’s become
a commercial enterprise,
another holiday to sell:
‘The Valentine Franchise’,

I have to admit in my heart of hearts
that red and white attracts me,
and I enjoy a Valentine spree
when the mood attacks me.

I compare each display day by day
and look for the prettiest one,
a romantic within, I smile, give in
for Valentine’s Day is fun!

So take my rhyme!
It’s frought with amor
on a day that is special
to the one(s) I adore.

S.T.T.K.T. February, 1982

All Poems, Change, Family, Holidays, Love, Memories, Prose/memoir, Spouses, Stories, Valentine's Day

Valentine Day’s Story

To Bob

As far back as I remember,
Valentine’s Day has been a big deal.
In school, we exchanged little cards.
Printed on large sheets.
Punched or cut them out.
Signed them.
Stuffed them into tiny envelopes.
With the recipient’s name.
For a Valentine’s box.
The teacher, distributing them.
Along with miniature candies.
Sugary, sweet with endearing messages:
You’re the best. We’re good together.
My children, too, had parties at school.
Made cards for classmates.
I amplified the merriment at home.
Decorating windows, doors with cut-outs.
Construction paper hearts.
Every color, size.
My children always knowing when Cupid’s Day,  on its way.
Often, I made a party as well.
Heart shaped cakes, cookies.
A way to brighten February gloom.
Now my children, grown.
It’s up to them with theirs.
I often send a note, stickers to the littles ones.
Though you and I stopped exchanging store bought cards.
Who wants an anonymous canned line of verse?
Just to trash the next day?
But nothing, nothing can stifle
the rush I get on Valentine’s Day.
Even without cards, decorations, cookies, chocolates.
Something about it melts the frost.
Brings fire to my cheeks.
Fills me with passion.
For you, our children, grandchildren.
For our parents, theirs.
That’s the thing about a Valentine.
It stretches.
Spills with affection.
Backwards and forwards.
That’s what I love about it.
About you.

Lynn Benjamin
February 14, 2022


All Poems, Family, Love, Spouses, Time, Valentine's Day

To My Valentine: A Love Poem


My days are rich, yet numbered
like the numerals on the rows
of houses that seem to go
infinitely on, but end.

My life is complex, yet ordered
into all the daily do’s
and chores that make up
the hours of the days
that seem to forever fly, but end.

My time with you is now, yet fleeing
like the hands on the clock
that race to catch up with tomorrow
until the plug is pulled,
and the seemingly ceaseless tick tock ends.

My love for you is boundless, yet measured,
poured slowly until the cup is empty.
But here it does not end.
It spills seeds, eggs, sugar, flour
to make babies and bread
that endure to keep our poem,
rich, intricate, alive.

Lynn Benjamin
February, 1981

A Valentine poem to Bob.


All Poems, For Children, Love, Valentine's Day

A Valentine Rhyme for the One(s) I Love


Hearts and flowers day is round again
to tempt, to taunt, to tease us;
lacey frills, valentines,
chocolate kisses tease us.

Every store is stocked galore
with cups, with plates, with toys;
Cupid now is center stage,
star of all Love’s joys.

Cards are stacked, neatly placed
in rows of white and red;
each rhymed in time to all those dear,
kind words to all belovèd.

Candy counters swell with pride
to boast confections rich:
nougat, nuts, caramel,
chocolates all bewitch.

Bakeries, too, hang out their hearts
to lure with cakes and pies,
cookies, tarts, gooey fare
created to draw sighs.

The day of Love is almost here
with fanfare from each side.
It’s enough, I think, I fear
to make poor Cupid hide!

Though it seems that Love’s become
a commercial enterprise,
another holiday to sell:
The Valentine Franchise,

I must admit in my heart of hearts
that red and white attract me,
and I enjoy a Valentine spree
when the mood attacks me!

I compare displays each day,
to find the prettiest one,
a romantic within, I smile, give in
for Valentine’s Day is fun!

So, take my rhyme!
It’s filled with amor
on a day that is special
for the one(s) I adore!

February, 1982 S.T.T.K.T.