Adult Children, All Poems, Family, Grandchildren, Parent Love, Shabbat, Wisdom, Worry

The Time Had Come


The time had come.

To catch the ferry back to Long Beach.

Return to Santa Monica.

Spend a weekend with the grand boys.

Our son reminding us he was going to light candles.

For it was Friday night, Shabbat.

Last Friday, in the whirlwind, we didn’t do it.

So, just before dinner, the candles appeared.

Arthur has been afraid of fire.

But, he conquered his anxiety.

Wanted now to be the first to kindle.

Before Ezra, the second.

With the help of a utility lighter, and mother’s steady hand.

Bob began to sing the accompanying prayer.

Arthur protested, covering his ears, No singing.

Bob stopped, but not understanding, started again.

Arthur screamed, No! No singing!

Our son intervening, saying, Arthur can’t stand the sound.

Was it that the blessing was in Hebrew?

A language he didn’t understand?

We just don’t know.

It surprised us, the child

who loves to croon, to sing,

would object to joyful melody.

To Shabbat welcoming.              

But, three-year-olds are fickle.

They change minds so fast.

Every step is progress,

as each fear surpassed.

Bravo to the parents

who reintroduce, who try

making the strange familiar,

while honoring a child’s cry.


Lynn Benjamin

March 30, 2024