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What Does It Mean?


What does it mean when maple leaves blush red?
When oaks burn orange, yellow?
When daylight ebbs?
Air nips the skin?
Students flock back to classes?
Tishrai overtakes Elul?
Babbles, squawks, buzzes, chirps, vibrations,
winds, rush forward to beckon the New Year.
Hundreds of preschooler whys usher in
Days of Awe.
Who really has answers?
Do they just arouse more questions?
Perhaps only questions humble us.
Steady us.
Propel us inward.
To do self-study.
A sacred cocoon in which to rest, then emerge.
New eyes, new ears, new hands.
Balancing ourselves and those we care for.
And those to whom we owe amends.

Lynn Benjamin
August 29, 2021