All Poems, Argentine Family, Easter, Family, For Children, Natural Beauty, New York, Seasons, Trips and Places

Central Park

Central Park erupted into Spring.

Magnolias, cherries, forsythias.

Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips.

Elaborate floral horse drawn carriages.

Rock sitters, picnickers, trash pickers.

Bicyclists, skaters, rowers, walkers.

Lovers, friends, parents, children.

Chatting in every language imaginable.

Singing sparrows, pigeons.

Waiting to pounce on horses’ feeding buckets.

As soon as they lifted heads to chew.

Frolicking squirrels, even sheep.

When two cousins entered the scene.

On a path from Columbus Circle.

Siblings from Buenos Aires.

On holiday in Manhattan.

Having traveled for a month,

each regaled us with a story.

Meeting us in Central Park

to savor its Easter glory.


Lynn Benjamin

April 7, 2024