All Poems, Animals/Insects, Birth, Change, Creation, Death, Environment/Mother Earth, For Children, Growth, Natural Beauty, Seasons

In the Fullness of Summer


In the fullness of summer,
greens of every shade predominate.
Leaves, shrubs, ground cover, ivy, moss.
Wild white morning glories hug a miniature maple.
Stretch throughout the ground around.
What bliss to amble through verdant lanes,
listen to finches sing, cicadas hum,
witness handiwork of spiders,
watch a cottontail disappear beneath a bush.
Learning is kinder in this natural realm than in a classroom.
No questions other than the ones within my mind.
Which greenery will be back to dazzle next year?
Which flowers, birds, insects?
Which will die?
Will you?
Will I?
Which return to soil?
Contribute to new life?
It’s strange that in the fullness of summer,
thoughts lean toward death.
Why not?
Death provides nourishment for living things.
A kind of homage to birth, growth.
A gift to Mother Earth.

Lynn Benjamin
July 11, 2021

Adult Children, All Poems, Creation, Family, Love, Weddings

For Roseanne and Daniel Creations and Creators

For Roseanne and Daniel: Creations and Creators

Creation takes many forms:
Poetry is nourishment for the soul;
Food is artwork for the palate;
Love is the dialogue that nourishes each person and the pair
so that art can breathe and sing and dance.

A handcrafted booklet dedicated to Roseanne and Daniel with love from Mom
(Lynn Benjamin, September 30, 2001)

These lines were the forward for a booklet for my daughter, Roseanne and her then groom (now divorced) when they married in 2001. Though they are no longer together, I think the lines still are true.