All Poems, Family, Holidays, Homages, Love, Mother's Day, Spouses

Blue Shirt on Mother’s Day: Perspective Two


I put on this blue shirt for Mother’s Day, said Bob.

Pointing to his buttoned down, collared shirt.

But, who will see it?

Children, far away?

Siblings, occupied with their own families?

Lovely, I nodded.

Already sensing his homage to me.

Appreciating the meals he planned to make.

Morning waffles with jam.

Roasted stuffed tomatoes and beans for dinner.

The walks outdoors.

Holding hands.

Noting earth’s surprises.

Emerging roses.

Wafting perfumes.

Soaring cardinals.

Unfurling pea blossoms.

Shooting gladioli.

Why did you plant glads among the dahlias? I asked.

Continuing, my mother always loved them.

That’s why, he answered. I wanted to hear you say that.

I felt love well up inside.

Bubble like a cup of champagne.

For all we’ve shared together.

Buttons, collar, donned for me.

Any small mistakes he made.

Forgiven totally.


Lynn Benjamin

May 15, 2023