All Poems, Family, Health/Illness, Invitations, Natural Beauty, Spouses

Awaiting Surgery


Bob lies where I did some years ago.

Awaiting surgery to replace a lens.

In his right eye.

While outside, the day is generous.

Sun and shade.

I eschew the waiting room for a trail.

Green canopy along a stream.

Maples, pines, tulip poplars.

Dame rockets, wild, breathless.

Lavenders, whites, pinks.

Bold, tall, pushing into spaces.

Along banks, on hillsides.

Rambler roses exuding aromas.

Uninhibited, lusty, passionate.

Bluejays, yellow butterflies dipping, darting.

Woodpeckers working.

Chipmunks scurrying across the path.

I wished you by my side

to see the splendor of the park.

Though I know replacement lenses

will improve your vision sharp.

Another day we’ll go.

With new eyes traverse the trail.

Unseen textures, deeper hues.

Woodsy secrets to unveil.


Lynn Benjamin

May 27, 2023