All Poems, Animals/Insects, Birth, Emotions, For Children, Miracles, Mother Love, Natural Beauty, Pleasure, Stories

April Morning

The April morning, glorious.

Crisp, cool, but not cold.

Early sun warming hands, face.

What was that honking?

Rhythmic, loud, incessant?

Coming from nearby?

I searched in all directions.

Till I saw a goose perched on a rooftop.

As though making a pronouncement to the kingdom.

In a flash, I knew exactly what was being bellowed.

Despite my ignorance of the words.

The babies, born.

To the goose and gander by the pond.

So I dashed over to take a look.

Seeing father on duty.

His partner shielding yellow chicks under one wing.

I counted three.

Then a fourth waddled out.

Four, I whispered to a woman on a bench.

Then, a fifth.

Five, I breathed.

Taking in the miracle of the scene.

Then, to my amazement, a sixth.

Six goslings, the color of bright sunflowers.

Creeping in and out from under mother’s wing.

Beneath pink weeping cherries, sending out bouquets.

Surrounded by carpets of lavender vinca blooms.

A village of frogs and turtles.

Graduate students, neighbors.

All having waited, now rejoicing

the wonder of new birth.

In a season bursting with color

sprouting from tender earth.

Lynn Benjamin

April 26, 2024