Adult Children, All Poems, Family, Father's Day, Holidays, Miracles

Appearances in June


Each day in June is a concert.

Trilling, whistling, chirping.

A new burst of olfactory sensation.

Jazmine, citrus, rose.

A blooming festival.

Milkweed, cactus flowers, echinaceas.

A smorgasbord.

Peas, purslane, parsley.

Who knew it could even get better?

The appearance of Zev and a friend!

Wending up the east coast.

From Maryland to Massachusetts.

After days at Vibe Camp.

Dancing, playing games.

Celebrating talents of peers.

Arriving on Father’s Day.

In an age when children live far away.

Are unable to offer hugs.

Other than on Facetime.

So, this, another pop up miracle.

Surprise snap of brightness.

To celebrate a father.

A son.

The meaning of a parent-child bond.

That flourishes.

Despite distance, rain, drought.

Years, pain, aging.

No matter.

Reunion sparks memories.

Makes joints supple.

Hearts glad.

One more June wonderment

knocking at the door.

With tales to tease the ears,

Rejuvenate, restore.


Lynn Benjamin

June 20, 2023