All Poems, Animals/Insects, Birthdays, Family, For Children, Grandchildren, Stowe 2021, Trips and Places

A Tad of Magic


Caw, caw, caw, sang the crow
as he landed on a stalk of corn at Percy’s Farm.
The rain abated.
Robins sang.
Chipmunks ran.
Even trees appeared to yawn and stretch
as though waking from a nap.
It’s been a lucky day,
this day of showers,
of cotton candy rising from the mountains.
Ez turned three in Stowe.
The day when he manned his kayak on the pond,
assembled boats, buildings with blocks,
watched  rain clean window panes, porch.
There must have been a tad of magic in it, too.
For upon the glass settled a light green luna moth,
messenger, newly hatched from its cocoon.
Come to make sure the birthday boy
had glowing greetings from the moon!

Lynn Benjamin
July 3, 2021